Cleaning service
Cleaning service
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Yeganə Quliyeva
Mən, Quliyeva Yeganə bütün növ yaşayış və qeyri-yaşayış məkanlarının təmizlik işləri ilə məşğulam.

Elmira Əliyeva
Mən, Əliyeva Elmira bütün növ yaşayış və qeyri-yaşayış məkanlarının təmizlik işləri ilə məşğulam.
As a cleaning company, Our professional and operative service providers carrying out cleaning services for living facilities and other areas will definitely please you. We offer transparent business processes at a fixed price based on the selected criterias. So instead of spending your energy on cleaning your home, you may dedicate time to the people you love only by one request!
House cleaning, Daily cleaning, cleaning company, Cleaning service, House cleaning, office cleaning, Sofa cleaning,
Although we are not a cleaning company, cleaning is our business! Our cleaning service includes house cleaning, villa / garden cleaning, office cleaning, facility cleaning, daily cleaning, thorough cleaning, post-repair cleaning, post-repair garbage disposal, hard-to-remove stains, window and glass washing, curtain washing, sofa cleaning, disinfection covers his work, etc.